Expand ALL Veteran Education and Skillbridge benefits to help them gain JOBS
Trump passed a law allowing active duty access to free veteran education benefits (without expiration) for them and their children should they choose to transfer. I missed that cutoff to qualify for that opportunity by a few months, therefore, my VA Edu benefits expired since I am to busy working and was not able utilize. I believe all veterans deserve access to the same benefits at a minimum no matter the dates they served. I should also be re-paid for foolishly paying (along with top-up) the military for an education which everyone now appears to receive without even requesting.
Also, I did not have access to Skillbridge internships (2011) when I exited the military (2008). My career struggled when I exited the military and continues this day. Our military experience receives little attention in the civilian world. I would like Skillbridge opportunities/benefits to open to ALL VETERANS at least ONE TIME in their lives to make up for what was ignored previously. Our Veitnam Vets and Korea Vets were completely ignored. Implementing these changes could help heal some of the mistakes made by previous administrations.
Veterans should be given opportunities for free access to training cert prep and exam vouchers since many departments utilize non-qualified training limiting members potential as a civilian. Otherwise, allbranch services should be forced to model the Air Force University model.