Environmental Stewardship

I propose we reinvest and reimagine in the Youth Conservation Corps within our major cities. By investing in our youth corps we can plant millions of native trees and native plants while beautifying our cities. This can provide education, jobs, and improve the air quality in our major cities. For those that are concerned about climate change this is one of the most effective ways to reduce the amount of CO2 in our environment. This can also have a profound affect on the mental health crisis since being in nature has been proven to affect peoples mental health in a positive way. I also believe this should be a public private collaboration and there are a great deal of corporations in our nation that would be on board with this idea, this way it will off set the costs. I believe something like this would pay for its self 100 times over. If president Trump announced this now he would even pick up more votes from people who are genuinely concerned for the environment with the loss of their wind power, which we know does not work. Thank you for your consideration. This is a win win situation!

This would help so many young people