Environment and Energy

One of the many things that help to Make America Great is the abundance of natural resources, including energy-producing materials. There are vast reserves of coal in many areas of the country, but they would cause environmental harm if burned in their naturally-occurring state.

A great national program to develop and build coal gasification plants would utilize the efforts of thousands of American engineers and construction workers in the creation of an environmentally sound project to provide clean, reliable energy for the homes, schools and workplaces of this nation.

President Trump, drawing on his experience as one of the great builders and business leaders of this country, would provide inspiration and guidance for this effort, which should include the involvement and expertise of all energy-related businesses, including the major oil companies.

This program of producing a clean, versatile energy source from our coal reserves, strategically planned and well-managed, could be a vital asset to our national and economic security for many years to come. It would be one of the capstone projects of an emerging American infrastructure that would rival our space program of the 1960’s and beyond, in terms of vastness and technological innovation. submitted by John Cantwell, Engineer, Yonkers, NY