Enforceable Ethics for Congress Members - Stock Trading, End to Lobbying

As it currently stands, even if there are current laws, etc. regarding ethics for congress members, they are not being enforced, or enforced evenly. Members of congress have made numerous trades before lawsuits, probes, etc. were launched. Members of congress must be held accountable for their blatant insider trading. In order to serve, they need to either be forced to relinquish their ability to trade stocks personally, from holding certain stocks, etc. prior to taking office, or enforce harsh penalties such as fines and vacating their seat. These are positions meant to serve the public, not enrich themselves.

In addition, lobbying needs to be put to an end. On top of the problem mentioned above, politicians are bought and paid for by organizations installing them into office and paying them to run their agenda. Again, these are public service positions and should finally be treated as such.

The days of a politician entering their elected position and multiplying their wealth substantially must end.