End US Postal Shipping Discounts from China to US

As a seller on Ebay and Etsy, it aggravates me to no end that China gets extremely cheap postage rates from China to the US.

Their cheap shipping rates haven’t changed in years. However, US postal rates keep going up two to three times per year for Americans!

High shipping costs are one of the biggest complaints I get from potential buyers.

It’s hard for American’s to compete with shipping, when it’s cheaper to ship an item directly from China than it is for American’s to ship items to each other across the country.

These Chinese shipping discounts need to end! China needs to pay at least equal to what we are paying in shipping costs. And it would be nice if that extra revenue from China would help create a higher cash flow, so the shipping costs for Americans can be lowered again.

Let’s better support American made or American sold products, rather than cheap junk from overseas!


We should take this a step further and ban all shipping from China into the US until they overthrow their communist government.

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This is such an unknown but important issue. Why are we subsidizing Chinese shipping? Vote to make China pay their fair share!

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Hey! I liked and voted! This is one of many actions that need to be taken to defend the US retail sector and ecommerce industry.

We feel the same way and have put out two proposals to protect US ecommerce businesses. I hope you will vote, like and comment on them to support!

It’s absolutely insane, combined with the de minimis exemption which allows them to circumvent tariffs and duties (and regulatory oversight).

We are subsidizing our competitors who have beneficial cost structures in their country and OUR OWN!

I had actually heard Trump was aware of this in his last term.

We have a proposal that is even more broad because I think it’s crazy that they have unlimited access to the US retail consumer (technology enabled). Please check it out and like, comment and VOTE!

Hi please check out my proposal and vote and comment on it. I think you will agree.

I voted on it yesterday.

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thank you… trying to find a better way to re-write it so it’s more easily digested. It’s a complex issue i’m trying to describe in simple terms…