Please stop chemtrails and weather manipulations!
Thank you for showing these photos! Today started out beautiful and by 10 am there were chemtrails criss crossing the sky, by 3 pm it was haze and clouds. Not real clouds though - you know, the chemtrail ones. It breaks my heart to see what a few wealthy can do to the rest of us. STOP CHEMTRAILS!!!
I personally have watched on 3 occasions a white DOD jet take off, climb in altitude, start and stop spraying in a checkerboard fashion while normal (contrails) are in the same area. I’ve been alerting congressmen about them but they don’t seem interested. I think if enough of us reach out on here and to our congressmen along with RFK Jr we may be able to stop this poisonous program. And here we thought the EPA is here to protect us yet they participate in a program to pollute us.
They need to stop poisoning our air water and soil with these man made chem trails it needs to stop, people need to be prosecuted that are involved in polluting our nation and Country and States are involved with allowing these chem trails to continue polluting air water ans soil.
I have no votes left (strange system and strange rules) but support you wholeheartedly. There are actually several proposals asking for the same thing. I have but one suggestion, i.e., that we stick to the scientific terms, like geoengineering or solar radiation management. When you look up chemtrails, you will always be led to conspiracy theories, instead of actual data and science. Still the best source for credible data is
Not only are chemtrails poisoning our air, water and soil, they are poisoning us!
Fifty year pilot here. There are no such things as chemtrails. There are contrails. No one in a cockpit has a switch labeled, “Dump chemicals indiscriminately on the public.”
What you are seeing is the dramatic increase of high altitude air traffic over the years. Look up contrails. This is stupid and just stop it.
Sorry Jerry, but this is not stupid at all, it is absolutely happening. Contrails are vapor trails and in a few minutes the vapor trail (contrail) is gone. Chemtrails on the other hand disperse and fan out and become cloud-like streaks in the sky. Listen to the medical medium podcast for the truth about Chemtrails (bottom of this post).
It gets even worse. Heavy metals are in these chemical trails and they are landing on both conventional and organic crops… making organic produce that much less organic. It’s also falling on the grass that the free range chickens and cows eat and pick through so our free range meat has more heavy metals in it.
Also, these chemtrails are hurting bee populations of all kinds. And you remember how we used to hear about large flocks of birds dropping dead mid-air and plummeting to the earth. You guessed it, they flew through a concentrated pocket of poison in the sky/air and it killed the entire flock (or most or many of them).
RFK Jr. helped create Waterkeeper Alliance, which ensures that the world’s Waterkeeper groups are as connected to each other as they are to their local waters, organizing the fight for clean water into a coordinated global movement.
I think it’s high time Airkeeper Alliance gets created for the same reason Waterkeeper’s was.
The government claims the exhaust of my vehicle is toxic. And the chemtrails are just the result of powering a plane through the air. But they left out that the “exhaust” is toxic.
Please talk to some other pilots about this. They have reported that contrails dissipate rather quickly, but these “chemtrails” can go clear across the sky. You need to check out .
Jerry, you need to do some research. There are multiple videos of government officials including John Brennan speaking about the geoengineering aka chemtrails being sprayed. I’ve personally watched them take off, start spraying, turn it off, turn around and spray in the other direction multiple passes. Believe what you want but it’s happening. Military whistleblowers have exposed it also, videos are out there plus news reports. Not gonna stop it and going to keep exposing it until they stop. Look in my photos, you see regular contrails going away and the persistence of the chemical spraying.
JERRY – You are flat out lying. Unless you are making a few bucks off your personal contractual “spray jobs” you have no other reason to do so, aside from misleading the public. Very disgusting post – people like yourself keep problems unresolved. A sickness perhaps?
And for the benifit of everyone else…
There seems to be (possibly deliberate - considering Jerry’s post) confusion between “contrails” and “chemtrails”. Without going into the technical differences to any great degree, here is a summary difference.
Contrails (Condensation Trails) - are visible trails left behind an aircraft that are caused by moist atmospheric air being compressed through the turbo fans of plane engines, creating water/ice particulants in its wake. These trail behind the plane for only a very short period of time, before the ice and water vapor once again seperates into its smaller particles and dissapates. A contrail will NEVER linger in the air for over a few minutes before uncondensing and disappearing again.
Chemtrails (Chemical Trails) - are visible trails that are caused by aerosol injections into the atmosphere, from chemical tanks stored within the body of the aircraft. These are NOT water crystals…they are generally comprised of heavy metals like aluminum and barium dust, silver oxide, and other non-natural compounds uncommon to the atmosphere an any significant quantities. These trails will linger in the upper atmosphere for long durations, gradually dispersing and widening as gravity slowly pulls the sprayed particles toward the earth. They can be seen spanning the entire sky, from horizon to horizon. Water molecules are unable to maintain the moree condensed and visible form typically associated with the heavier sprayed molecules, that are able to stay suspended in the skies for hours on end.
Hope that helps you identify the difference between the two when you next look skyward.
Fun Trivia Project: Jet engines existed in the 1950s thru the 1970s, with very little change to the turbo-fan engine design of today. See if you can locate naturally-formed contrails (condensation trails) that span the entire width of the sky, from horizon to horizon, in any of the movies of the time, within the skies of these older films.
Note; The chemicals sprayed from the above-illustrated tanks eventually settle as a fine dust onto your fruit trees, gardens, lawns, pets, water supplies, and eventually into the lungs and bloodstream of you and your children.
Thanks for the pic, Kris…you have captured both chemtrails and contrails in the same photograph, which now makes it possible to show others the difference.
Here ya go…
Notice how, in contrails, the water crystals from compressed atmospheric moisture create a very small trail that quickly disappears once the sunlit ice melts back into water vapor and disapates. Also notice the chemical trails that stretch all the way across the sky, and are not disipating. They are lingering because they are not water vapor – they are other larger molecules of aerosolized solids that dont evaporate, but instead spread out in the atmospheric currents as they slowly drift toward earth. Just think of it this way: Long Trail = Chemical Spray; Short Trail = Ice Crystals.
A lot of these pilots have been interviewed and there are definitely the spraying of our skies. Anyone who say there aren’t are uninformed and should do some research. I see it every day.
They change the weather, block out the sun and pretty much try everything to destroy our health.
Everyone who label us conspiracy theorists have recently seen all our conspiracies come true.
Even RFK said he is going to work to stop the spraying of our skies.
I read a study on the effect of chemtrails done in the 70s and it said it would make the oceans warmers and change weather patterns. They are doing it all over the country. Here it is in Northeast Indiana.
There is whistleblower, eyewitness testimony, soil, land and air samples and indisputable proof in many different ways. For those not fully educated on this very serious subject, this website goes into detail.
This “counter-argument” is overused and outdated. Just because one was a pilot for 50 years doesn’t mean that you had the high levels of security clearance to know everything that is being done. For those 50 years you could have been only doing contrails. In your ignorance while meaning well you may not have been aware that there were other pilots above your security clearance level that were spraying chemtrails.
What is foolish is not using our imaginations to realize that there is a difference between chemtrails and contrails.
There’s enough evidence and footage to concretely show the difference. There are even side by side comparison videos.
There were whistle blowers that came out.
Why would some states ban chemtrails if it was just harmless contrails?
We are in 2025 where evidence beyond reasonable doubt came out with all the egregious action of the government came out revealing the corruption within.
One person even if they did good on their own isn’t evidence that the whole operation is doing good.
Out own gov has people like you who mean well and do good but don’t realize everything that goes on under the hood.
Let us be more curious and have a renewed outlook to investigate all evidence and let the evidence stand. We can’t rely on our own good intentions and project that out with the assumption that everyone was and is like us.
An analogy: Having good law abiding cops who do their jobs with integrity doesn’t automatically prove that all cops are good.
This comes across as a good cop who did his job the right way but because he was good he assumes that all cops are the way he was.
There are contrail pilots and there are chemtrail pilots.
The people have no issue with contrails. The people have issue with chemtrails.
This is where the concerns are and where the debate should be.
Anything else is a smokescreen distraction from the truth.
Another nice photograph to illustrate what is happening…thanks Blackhole! As they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Below is further illustrated explanation of what is occurring in your skies above your cities, keeping in mind that, when one targets a moving object, one must “lead” it by a certain distance. The same is happening here, Chemicals are sprayed at a precise altitude and with a precise and steady atmospheric wind speed, thus allowing for predicted particle drift before eventually blanketing the intended target area (the city)…
Legal Note: This is not simply illustrative speculation or conspiracy theory…this is court-room level evidence that would practically beg for further explanation by the defendants (the aircraft owners) about what their planes are intentionally leaving behind in the skies, in their wakes. Since many sky streams abruptly start and end over dense population areas, there is clear evidence of direct participation by the pilots in these aerial deposits, with strong suggestions that said controlled and delivered chemical payloads are intended for mass human “consumption”, in complete disregard of “prior voluntary consent” - a clear violation of Nuremberg Code, actionable by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and Interpol, allowing for U.S. extradition of said aircraft owners and spray-contracted pilots to stand trial for charges under the internationally-agreed conduct and descriptions befitting Crimes Against Humanity.
[Side Note: Immediate investigations should probably start with NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, specifically under agency-funded spray-contractors, associated aircraft owners and corporate board members, precise chemical payload aquisition methods, contents, scheduling, call sign traffic records and aerial communications, associated research projects and funding details.]
Anyone refuting the above is clearly engaged in misinformation tactics aimed at concealing potential harm done to the U.S. population, with communicative actions certainly suggesting lesser charges of treason against the American People. Keep in mind that “misinformation posts” can serve as admissable court evidence, and be publicly available for decades after being posted.
UPDATE: It is now being uncovered by Trump administration that USAID, the Dept. of Energy, and the Dept of the Interior are being allocated money from Congress regularly for years long contracts to private airline companies to spray these heavy metals over targeted areas. Congress is responsible for releasing these funds to the above agencies and departments and they are in turn, using these agencies and departments to distribute the money to non-governmental bodies in order to get done, what would normally be illegal for government to do. Bottom line, your government is getting help from the private sector, through contracts, to do what it is prohibited to do, creating a layer of disconnect between the original intent and the criminal spray activity.
Michigan is bad with chem trails someone help this needs to stop