Vitamin D3 sounds great and beneficial to add to products like milk until you are one with a daughter with a sever allergy to lanolin. Vitamin D3 in the US is overwhelmingly derived from Lanolin which is the oil off of sheep’s wool. My daughter has a severe lanolin allergy. She reacts to it internally and topically even in trace amounts. Topically even if a product such as lotion has lanolin and someone touches her with lotion on their hands it will leave a bright red hand print that last a week. It looks like a instant burn. Internally she can’t have lanolin either. We have to avoid food fortified with added vitamin D3 which is almost always from lanolin. The lanolin version of vitamin D3 is the cheapest so it is almost always used. When it comes to milk it is so so so hard. Currently in my area the only milk my daughter can have is maple hill grass feed whole milk. In Florida raw milk can only be sold with the label not for human consumption. Many times I will go to the store and they will be out of our Maple Hill grass milk. Just to let you know how bad it is years ago there were two milks my daughter could have. The second one was Organic Valley grass milk. Then all of a sudden without notice Organic Valley changed their whole grass milk to add vitamin D3 from lanolin. I was not aware of the change. I would just alway pick up one of those two milks. All of a sudden my daughter got severe stomach pains. So bad that she needed to go to the hospital. One hospital transported her by ambulance to another hospital with a children’s department. I had no idea not all hospitals have children’s departments. So after hours of testing and heavy pain meds they discovered a lymph node in her abdomin swelled up. The doctor told me it was a recation to a severe allergy and asked if she ate anything different… At the time I didn’t know the ingredients changed on the milk. So I told him nothing in her diet had changed. She was in the hospital overnight and released once the swelling went down. When we arrived home I combed through every label on everything I could find looking for an answer to what put my daughter in the hospital. Finally I discovered the vitamin D3 was now in the Organic Valley grass milk. So for my daughter and others like her end the mandate of vitamin d3 in milk or at least make it easier for companies to have a version of their milk without this added vitamin that sends my daughter to the hospital.
Wow! I whole heartely believe my son is allergic to lanolin too. He gets SEVERE diaper rashes, that I have been calling “acid rash” becuaee it literally burns the top layers of skin off when he poops in his diaper and is sitting with it for more than a few minutes. Ive tried to tell the doctors this but they just think its gastro related and told me to give him tums but of course they didnt work. He doesnt like any other milks that I try to give him tho so i just limit how much he drinks but he still has flares ups from time to time. And when he eats ranch dressing if any gets on his face he gets a rash. Its sad.
I feel your frustration! I have had doctors question me on how I know it is lanolin. When we would use diaper rash cream with zinc oxide and lanolin my daughter would turn red as a stop sign on contact. I would just let the doctor know when I used a different diaper rash cream with the same zinc oxide but without the lanolin she would be fine. The doctors would all stop the questions after that. One cream we like that works well is calendula. It works for diaper rash but is also for all sorts of cuts and burns. I have a doctor warn me to make sure the wound is cleaned well before using calendula because it heals so fast it can seal in any dirt. Oh and be careful of anything where vitamin d3 is on the ingredients list indicating it has been added to the product. Children’s vitamins are tricky but there are vegan ones that don’t have the vitamin D3. The vitamin d3 that we use as a supplement is a spray by Garden of Life called vegan D3. For laundry ones we use without lanolin are Rockin’ Green and Charlie’s Soap. Olay makes lotion without lanolin. Every year in school I bring the teachers two bottles of Olay quench lotion and tell them of my daughter’s reaction to lanolin. I figure they can have one bottle for the classroom and one for home. Good luck with the lanolin free hunt and know it is definitely not in your head.
Theres was a whole lot of repetivenes. That being said I agree that milk should just be milk. There was a dairy farm across the road where I grew up. I help heard the cows for that fresh cold milk. When I became a truck driver and was delivering to a dairy I asked for some of the fresh cold milk and was informed that could no longer be done because of the processing has changed. That in a NUTSHELL STATES SOMETHING SMELLS ROTTEN IN DENMARK AND A HUGEVRED FLAG
For my daughter her allergy is indeed lanolin. We found out when she was an infant. Many of the diaper rash creams have two ingredients lanolin and a zinc component. She gets as red as a stop sign on contact when lanolin is applied topically. We switched to a different diaper rash cream that had the same zinc component without the lanolin and we had no issue with it. My daughter has also been hospitalized overnight due to consuming vitamin d3 from lanolin. She also reacts just as severely when exposed to lotion even if the lanolin is the last ingredient on the list. So others may have a different problem but for my daughter it is indeed lanolin.