End the Federal Reserve and Return to a Precious Metal Backed Dollar

Completely abolish the Federal reserve and return to a precious metal backed dollar, and return the US to a sovereign republic with the following key characteristics:

  1. Sovereign Nation: a self-governing entity, not a business entity.
  2. Republic: a representative democracy, where citizens elected representatives to make decisions on their behalf. We need single day voting on a new national voting holiday, voter ID, paper ballots protected by water marks and other security measures, and secure locations in each precinct were representation from all parties is allowed to observe the counting. At no time are machines to be involved in the voting process
    Federal System: each state has its own laws with a federal government overseeing national matters.
    No Corporate Structure: absolutely no corporate charter or incorporation of the United States as a whole. Instead, individual states and municipalities should return to having their own charters and governing structures.

I used to think this until I learned a bit about the eurodollar.