End the federal g0vernment

Dear B0bby

Please destr0y/end every 3 letter agency (CDC,FDA, FBI,D0J,TSA etc). They CANN0T be ref0rmed! The c0rruti0n is pervasive and instuti0nalized.
Pr0secute Fauci, Bill Gates, Frances C0llins,Cu0m0, News0me, H0chul, Whitmer and ALL inv0lved in the c0vid SCAMdemic including the media etc. Punishment-DEATH BY VACCINE

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Why do you keep using '0’s in place of 'o’s?

MKSJ, you can’t figure it out? This is a cryptic message meant 0nly for RFK Jr. (FYEO) and is c0mp0sed in such an enigmatic fashion so,that,key,words,and,censorship,trigger,words,cannot be extracted by bots from search engines and website algos that inform the 3LetterAgencies and content moderat0rs 0f it’s ‘tippy-top Q-covfefe’ t0p secret_existence.

Get with the C0spiracyThe0ryPr0gram, dude! :laughing:

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