Students should only pay what they have borrowed.
Predatory loans should not be allowed to rule or ruin people’s lives.
I like this idea but govt should not be involved in student loans or guaranteeing their repayment. We need to find a way to ensure loan repayment and get the schools to have more skin in the game.
Let student pay back the principle. I wonder if colleges and universities were responsible for the interest repayment of all students’ loans, would they be more cost-conscious or selective on who enters their school??
Another option: Require colleges and universities to provide the student loans from their endowments. It’s easy to gamble away taxpayer money but driving up costs and taking students who may have not ability to repay their loans because of the outdated or poorly devised Degree program passes the risk to Taxpayers. They will deliver a better degree if their money is at risk for repayment. They’ll have skin in the game; today they have none!!
I don’t know about institutions having skin in the game or government guaranteeing repayments. I believe people should be responsible for paying back what they owe from whoever they borrowed from without involvement of predatory interest.
Return the funds given to the Ukraine and Israel, pay off all student debts and make all education free, as it is in Europe. And make it illegal for instructors to turn our children into communists.
I agree with the first part with returning the funds, I don’t agree with the last part with free education and turning students into communists.
I think the issue isn’t student loans but the incredibly high cost of even public universities and colleges. Make higher eduction affordable and manageable so that those who need loans can reasonably repay them on their own.
Prohibit daily accruing interest
Im hoping this current administration will begin a student loan interest removal or reduction soon.
This is what I hope to see. I am 49 years old. I have been making payments most of my adult life and much longer than I have not been making payments. I have long paid off what I owe and I continue to pay for interest. It is a vicious trap. It’s almost impossible to get out of.
Exactly. This debt would’ve been off my plate a long time ago if it were not for the interest.