Regarding America and its Ideals, it is worth noting that after 150 years of 5GW things have been right well twisted, and this is not by mistake. Don’t take my word for it. Let me quote from the playbook of the subversion team themselves:
“The Frankfurt School philosophers were supported by the KGB, and they overtly designed a set of philosophical ideas that would subvert Western society along the lines of classic communist subversion. Dr. Ed Prida explained this in his book Subversion Against America. As a professor of military intelligence in Cuba, he understands communism from the inside.
Eleven-Point Plan of the Frankfurt School:
Undermine schools’ teachers’ authority. and
Create racism offenses.
Create confusion with constant change.
Teach sex and homosexuality to children.
Destroy the national identity of the Western nations with massive immigration.
Promote excessive drinking and drugs.
Empty churches and reduce faith.
Create an unreliable legal system with a bias against victims of crime.
Create a dependance upon the state and state benefits.
Dumb down the media.
Encourage the breakdown of the family.
These eleven points are exactly the results of the Frankfurt School philosophy of Critical Theory. Their plan has worked well.”
You’re putting that group above all other groups. You’re giving that group more priveledges than any other group.
What about straight people’s month? What about Catholic month? What about Native Americans month? What about Buddhists month?
I think we’ll need to change the calendar back to 13 months for inclusivity!
No, of course it would also be good for our circadian rhythm, 28 days every month.
In step with the moon cycles.
Not printing money out of debt
I think the bigger question is why our government has been declaring days and months as federally recognized without the input of the people or our elected representatives? When Clinton declared Pride month in 1999 I do not recall the people being consulted or our elected representatives being consulted in any way.
It’s easy for some people to say it should not matter what somebody else does or celebrates, but that is not the issue. Nobody is stopping any individual from celebrating whatever they want. Many people of faith practice the observance of Lent, but they do not make it a federally recognized week that encompasses the entire nation.
The issue is that by making anything federally recognized, it then encompasses the nation as a whole and represents all who are a part of that nation. We were never consulted and that is wrong if the federal recognition being given is for causes that are in opposition to the values of a majority of Americans.
There has never been much controversy concerning national potato day because apparently most Americans feel okay with potatoes representing our nation. Imagine if we had a federally recognized month to celebrate conversion therapy or celebrate obesity? Large segments of our population might feel insulted to have such designations represent our nation.
Maybe we should propose that all federally recognized days, weeks or months be put to a vote of the people or our elected representatives?
At the very least, if something is given federal recognition and large segments of our society disagree with it being designated as a representation of our nation, we should be allowed to petition for it to be put to vote by our representatives.
Great observation. For one person to decide what is celebrated as a representation of our nation does seem Anti-American. It is very much in line with American ideals to propose that the people should vote on things that are designated to represent our nation as a whole. If Pride month was put to a vote of the people or our elected representatives I think many people would feel a lot better about it.
We should propose that all federally recognized days, weeks or months be put to a vote of the people or our elected representatives.
At the very least, if something is given federal recognition and large segments of our society disagree with it being designated as a representation of our nation, we should be allowed to petition for it to be put to vote by our representatives.
I don’t even think the issue is taxpayer money. Anything that is federally designated to represent the nation as a whole should not be offensive to the majority of its citizens… especially in a democracy. I would propose that any designation that is controversial be put to a vote of the people or our representatives. This does not infringe on anybody’s right to celebrate what they want in their own life.
The United States of America is not a democracy. It is a republic. Bill Clinton is a sadistic pedophile and cocaine king pin who was singled out to undergo communist indoctrination by the Fabian society as a young man. Introducing perverted pride month to a nation of Christians is a perfect tactic of Bolshevik demoralization, a typical shaming ritual of the Jewish communist, bent on the enslavement if not total extermination of the goyim.
Thank you for correcting my use of the term “democracy”. A more appropriate term would be “democratic process”. We have a democratic process in place in this country to address issues such as this.
We have a history of presidential power to declare national observances dating back to George Washington. At that time it is unlikely that people could forsee a future in which presidents might declare national observances that contrast the will or values of the American people. Due to the continued controversies and pushpack concerning Pride day or month, it seems evident that this process may need to be revised.
The suggestion to correct this problem by allowing the people to petition for a vote on such designations takes the focus off whatever the specific cause is (Pride in this case) and returns the focus to something constructive.
As long as people see such proposals as an attack on their group or cause, this will get nowhere and offers no prevention for other national designations that may cause deep divisions in our society. This is why I think the solution is policy that addresses the process. The American people should have a right to petition for vote in cases like this to restore faith in our system.
Homo sex is degenerate. Not only remove the holiday entirely, but remove the legal marraige status.
Legalized homo marraige, and a national recognized month is evidence of the losing the culture war. “Conservatives” take 20 steps back, and one forward and call it a victory. Giving homo’s “a day to celebrate” is a loss. If THEY got most of the people on this thread, and the country to pretty much tolerate, acknowledge, accept, accomodate and validate degeneracy in your society, with a holiday, a month, legalized marraige, out of place gay characters in your movies, and TV shows, in your school education… if all that comes from THEIR victories and your loses is ironic clever comparisons between veteran holidays, 4th of July, only being one day, and pride being a month, it all amounts to LOSS and defeat.
This is how communism/judaism weakens and erodes your culture over decades and centuries. You don’t know it’s them, you don’t notice the erosion and cultural erosion and change and far too few see or care, or know what they are losing and is already lost. conservatism doesn’t conserve anything, and it doesn’t re aquire lost political ground.
What is the difference between the 2 parties on this issue in 2024? I don’t even know.
I agree end the month give them one day if it must be, that’s all us Veterans get any we signed our names to a blink check for our life’s for our country, what have these people done like that for our country to get a whole month, if anything Veterans should have a month.
Sexual freedom, pornography and debauchery lead to the collapse of a civilization within 3 generations. Something like having a major political party violate the human rights of babies at their rallies?
Perverse pride rallies are deeply impactful to the fiber of our culture and the survival of our civilization. What people do in their bedroom really is not just a private matter. It affects everyone.