End Medicare Cuts from Healthcare Professions - (A PT's perspective)

Medicare has continued to cut reimbursements for many healthcare professions for the past 5 years. With growing inflation and decreasing reimbursements many fields that are already understaffed are seeing a growing squeeze on workers and pay rates. I am a Physical Therapist and recently graduated with my doctorate in this profession and in most cases will be paid less than many other healthcare professions with less education. I am the most passionate about Physical Therapy as we are one of the only healthcare professions not seeking to push medications, surgeries, and “modern” healthcare and instead often focus on overall health, strength, longevity and mobility to allow people to live healthier and better lives. My field is continuing to be reduced and due to poor reimbursement rates staffing is decreasing and at that same rate the quality care and treatment is as well. Let’s stop these cuts to benefit all professions and to help make our country healthier again!