End lobbying

Lobbying should not be a part of our government. It was not in the Constitution. We need three branches of incorruptible government.


This is a tough one. There is a First Amendment component, as well as leading experts being in industry. The key is stopping conflicts of interest among the decision-makers and stopping funding of agency by way of user fees.

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Wholeheartedly agree. Now, who has a workable solution to ending the lobbying nightmare not just in Washington, but on every level of government, both state and federal down to small cities and towns


We should have lobbyist for issues that need to be brought up.
But all rewards, financial or others should not be given to politicians for pushing items through. This should include any future conflicts of interest type clause for jobs after leaving office or any monetary compensation.

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It’s all about money. Take the money out of the equation. Bribery and blackmail have no place in the government.


Lobbying is used to push corporate agenda over American citizens well-being, essentially indirectly selling us out for profits. We need to establish a defined citizen/humanity well-being protection order/advocacy that cannot be crossed by lobbyists. In addition, lobbyists agendas and intentions must be publicly broadcasts so that citizens can be given a chance to counter nefarious agendas for profits.

Lobbyists amplify the voice of special interests and by doing so they minimize the voice of the citizen. Then we get unnatural results - that’s not a republic. Get the big money out of politics so we can return to a government for the people by the people.