End Forced Arbitration

End forced arbitration.
Why am I forced to agree to arbitration and wave my rights to trial by jury, and trial period, after owning hardware for years? Why is it acceptable for phone service providers using publicly owned airwaves, to force us to give up our legal rights as garunteed under the constitution, without recourse, or exclusion from their forced arbitration agreement, especillay in monopolistic controlled rural areas, where competition is rare or non-existent.
Straight Talk is forcing a new agreement, when we are not on equal footing. Further, they admit they are recoding all phone call contacts, all text messages, photographs, our voices, websites visited, social security numbers, dates of birth, drivers license numbers, and more. I have NEVER given Staight Talk my social security number, so this IS big business identity theft. This is unlawful, egregious and clearly un-American. And now I cannot sue them to stop their engaging in criminal activities!

I have saved their forced polices for review upon request.