End health care as for profit institutions . Hospitals should never be owned and run by corporations that are simply trying to protect their bottom line. When something as simple as gauze or a bag of saline is marked up over 100% it makes healthcare cost completely unreasonable. Instead have hospitals set up as a nonprofit organization with the appropriate structuring and tax breaks. Still pay the employees well but dont try and turn a corporate level profit.
Agree. Not sure how that would work. Insurance use to be non profit. I believe at least some Hospitals were also. Why didn’t that work in the past?
Today the Hospitals are not run by Doctors. In many areas Hospitals have become monopolies that employ all Doctors and cover several Counties making it very difficult for a Doctor to own a private office; self employed. The Hospitals have Hospitalists and other Administrators dictating what the Doctors do and quotas to be met. Dr. Marty Makary (Trump nominee) has discussed some of this so looking forward to the possiblity of some change.
Also consider the following:
Won’t happen. This is the greatest country on earth and like it or not capitalism is how this country is built. We feed starving people the world over and give our wealth to poor people of every country while turning our own away. This only works when business makes money. There will be no advancement in medicine if there is no money. Nothing is free and this is what makes the leftists melt down. Some day they will learn these lessons when others want to take their hard earned money. Life is hard, not free.