You’re already paying a 21% Corporate tax rate at the point of sale. My plan removes that. So 14%-15% is a discount.
I’m currently on SSI and soon to be on Social Security, I hope. I have paid income tax before, and sometimes I’ve ended up owing the government money.
What I am concerned about is a national sales tax of 14-18%.
You’re already paying a 21% Corporate tax rate at the point of sale. My plan removes that. So 14%-15% would be a discount.
I did too. Wrote a whole prebate concept into as well.
They can if the no longer pay income tax. Add up the amount you spend on federal , state and local taxes. Then add in current sales tax. I did that and found my overall tax rate was approaching 31% and I’m by no means wealthy - barely in the middle class.
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I haven’t paid federal, state, or local taxes in a long time. The only local taxes I pay are sales taxes.