End Federal Funding of Biological Research and “Public Health”

Medical research causes as much harm as good. COVID was created in the Wuhan Institute for Virology which received funds from the NIH through a back door intermediary. The US has plenty of labs. The NIH has no reason to hide funds to a Chinese lab other than to circumvent the ban on gain-or-function testing.

As COVID has caused massive death and economic loss, the research community must compensate America. All federal fundings for biomedical research must stop, whether it is through NIH or DOD. We can’t afford it anymore anyways, and the research community has grown arrogant and corrupt. When Eisenhower warned against the military-industrial complex, he also warned against the research-industrial complex too.

We pay enough for our pharmaceuticals and medical equipment to fund private industrial medical research. Also wealthy foundations and university endowments can support the most valuable research. Almost all research, however, exists primarily to advance the careers of professors and medical students and doesn’t change anything we do as doctors. Much of it actually is harmful, thinly veiled activism, especially in the public health space which also needs to be defunded.

Again, it is largely harmful, and we can’t afford it anyways.


I think medical research is important, some of the biggest breakthroughs happen on accident in search of another solution. That being said, maybe all research should be agenda driven and not granted, maybe have top 5 diseases, those will be the only research money will be allotted to. Have strict budget initiatives to warrant spending.

Example,Want to fix Cancer fine, pick which type, meet certain goals and receive more funding, restrict funding to the organizations making progress and reaching goals instead of a revolving door of throwing money at researchers who want to perpetually reap government funding with no intention of showing real results. My thoughts anyways.