End Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Let’s put an end to Daylight Saving Time (DST) and make our lives better!

Here’s why:

  1. Better Health and Well-Being: Our bodies need a regular sleep schedule. DST messes with that, causing stress, fatigue, and even heart problems. A consistent schedule would help us sleep better and feel happier.

  2. More Productivity: When we change our clocks, we often lose focus and get tired. A stable schedule would help us stay on track and get more done.

  3. Energy Efficiency: DST was supposed to save energy, but it doesn’t really work anymore. With all the energy-efficient lighting and appliances we have now, the savings are minimal.

  4. Safety: Studies show that accidents and injuries go up after the time change. Eliminating DST would make our roads and workplaces safer.

So, let’s make a change! Ending DST would mean better health, more productivity, and a safer society. It’s time to put our clocks back and live our lives to the fullest!


In my opinion we observe DST out of tradition. I also believe the benefits listed by experts are manufactured . Maybe the idea did have some merits in 1784 when Ben Franklin suggested it but not today. Here is my suggestion. Announce you will suspend the tradition of fall-back in 2025 and spring-forward in 2026. Then report the consequences. If the so called benefits did not happen- end the practice.


DST adds an unnecessary layer of complexity to global transport and communications.

My job takes me to multiple time zones daily, some observing DST others not.

For me, I would prefer not having to think about it anymore.


Once we “fall back” i go from one commute (morning) to BOTH commutes in the dark … as do most people doing a 8 to 5,
how much more dangerous is night time driving than day time

Night time driving is significantly more dangerous than day time driving. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), driving at night increases the likelihood of a fatal accident by approximately three times compared to driving during the day


Move it 1/2 hour and never touch it again.


Leave the time at what now is daylight savings. It gives more daylight in the evenings where we spend most time with our families. I can live with going to work in sark but want to spend daylight time with my family


Yes, I believe it was started as a war effort in order to conserve energy. But it was never meant to be permanent - it was set in place with the understanding that it would be removed when it was no longer needed. We should go back to the original time that we observed before this was set into place and implement it ASAP.


It is darker now in the evening because the clock fell back. It’s dark at 5:30 not 6:30. I think you meant to change in the spring and leave it

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Ending Daylight Savings time would be very helpful to Americans health and productivity. I see no advantage to keeping up the practice of disrupting peoples sleep patterns.

Very good compromise. Not sure how much confusion this might cause on an international transition.

When we SPRING ahead LEAVE IT on that time.:pray:t2:

There are currently time zones with half-hour and 45 minute offsets as well. Take a look here:


I would vote to end standard time. I like daylight at the end of the day so i can do outdoor chores after work. It is super depressing when its dark at 5pm.

Scientists have shown that if daylight saving didn’t exist certain parts of the country would be in total darkness for over 5 hours of the normal waking hours.

I was just talking to a friend and it came to me that daylight savings time was a very small first form of government control of the population! Remember the frog in water? He doesn’t know he’s going to be boiled! I’m totally in favor of eliminating DST forever! Healthier for everyone!

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I get angry and resentful every time they change the clocks. So it is not only damaging to my wellbeing by making me tired and messing up my schedule but it really makes me angry. it is unnecessary. Lets stop this ridiculous practice of daylight savings clock changes.

It is known, that after the Spring jump forward 1 hour heart attack cases increase by 30%, no increase of such health emergency in the Fall, when we are back the normal time. We do not need DST. Has anybody heard a report about any energy saving “thanks” to DST?

No, we need to lock to DAYLIGHT time only: VOTE HERE!

The Permanent Daylight Saving Time Act - Health - Policies for the People

I think the majority of people would like to end changing the clocks twice a year. The only debate is which time to pick. Prove you can get something done. Prove you can work with all parties. Prove you can pass a bill that changes people’s lives. I know it is small but right now there is so little faith that our politicians can achieve anything that this would be a big win for teamwork