End broad patent coverage and hoarding by universities or anyone using federal grant for the research

Most universities survive on grants provided by taxpayers dollars. They do the research and use taxpayers money to file for patents, often with broad coverage, excluding anyone else to do similar research for commercial purpose. They then sell the patent rights to big pharma making tons of money. The pharma use the patent thereby to develop drugs and sell it back to taxpayers at exorbitant price. In most cases, the poor taxpayers are never the early beneficiaries. Even if they do, they pay a heavy price for the drugs and avail the technology. What an irony: use taxpayers money to do the research, to file the patent, make the technology and sell it back to the taxpayers at high price. This has to stop. Any research or technology developed using taxpayers money has to be free at least to the American people who paid you in the first place. A FIX is needed.