End Acceptance Waiver and Consent. Refer all financial crimes for criminal prosecution!

Acceptance waiver and consents allow a company to NOT admit any guilt, but agree to pay a fine for financial crimes committed. Sometimes these companies have made BILLIONS off these crimes from the American people, and only pay a small fine relative to how much they made. This is like the SEC just taking their cut of the profits from these crimes like naked shorting, spoofing, etc. They are stealing money everyday with these crimes from everyday people and there is NO CRIMINAL CHARGES ever filed! So, why would they stop doing these crimes, when they make much, much more than they pay in fines. Case in Point is JP Morgan, who has racked up over the years THOUSANDS of these for committing financial crimes and are still in business with no threat of criminal charges. We need real change and accountability from these criminals, with the knowledge that if they do crime, they will do time! Otherwise, nothing will change and it’s us retail investors that pay the price when we are just trying to make a better future for our children.