End Abortion!

Andrew I have binge-researched this issue and have also created multiple factsheets to dispute these widespread myths.

Now unfortunately, NO POLITICIAN is going to publicly support a full abortion ban, and Trump has firmly said he will NOT pass any ban whatsoever. It’s off the table. Also unfortunately, the widespread lies against pro-life laws will not stop until democrats pass abortion until birth in every state.

Would you please take a look at my proposed position called “Establish a Right to Maternal & Fetal Healthcare and stabilize the abortion issue”? It’s basically calling for a federal exception law (for the mother’s life, rape, severe fetal abnormalities, nonviable pregnancy, etc.) to make these damaging (and false) headlines stop and offer small concessions for pro-lifers.

My idea does not ban abortion (because again Trump says he will veto all abortion bans) but it will promote a culture of life and take away the Democrats’ top wedge issue. And then maybe the next GOP president can make more restrictions, like DeSantis or Youngkin.

Please take a close look at this: