Eliminate the Selective Service.

Young men should not be forced to register to be potentially sent to wars. Military service should be a completely voluntary action, and should not be mandated. There has been a lot of talk about body autonomy, especially in the current election cycle. But people always seem to forget that young men are required to sign up for service that they may not agree with, and are expected to possibly die for, based on the politics or decisions of people within the government, without having any say in what happens to them.


“Life would be a lot simpler if we could choose our duties and obligations. But we can’t. We shouldn’t.”

Also, the voting age was specifically dropped to 18 so that young men would have a say in what happens to them.

Rather than eliminating the Selective Service, perhaps we should simply stop fighting wars for bankers.

We probably wouldn’t have so many wars if politicians had to earn volunteers. And there’s no reason to avoid wars if you have an endless supply of young men to throw in the grinder.

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Women need to register. Not just men.

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