Yes, technology is an important part of our world, but students are on screens roughly 16 hours a day. This is not healthy or helpful. Instead, schools should refocus on reading and writing and arithmetic. When students are given laptops or tablets, they use their energies to circumvent actual learning. Instead, they get around firewalls to download porn, play games, or type their assignments into some form of AI to obtain the answers. Teachers are going to have a harder and harder time getting students to produce their own original work unless they are able to get back to the paper and pencil method. Technology should be relegated to a single related arts classroom where students can learn the latest about good, responsible use. This will help break some of the screen addiction students wrestle with today, and save schools money when they no longer need to provide devices to each student.
I couldn’t agree more. It is abhorrent the content that students are allowed to view at school and accounts they can create utilizing school technology devices. It was so bad that I wrote the governor in Arkansas hoping for school reform, and crickets…. No response. Our students have access to anime that includes sexualization, demonization, violence, killing, making etc…. Their Go Guardian doesn’t allow them the option of viewing student emails so as death threats and sexualization happen on school time, they plead the 5th because they have no way to monitor this. I have massive documentation that could lead to lawsuits because of what is allowed. The principal turned an eye to it, the Superintendent and School Board dismiss it. Nobody wants to regulate nor deny what students can view. In Louisiana I had an Assistant Principal tell me that if someone worships Satan and it’s their religion to rape and view that he has no place in mitigating it because that’s their religion. I responded with well hope about the laws of the land and he just said he would not monitor nor stop someone from free worship and beliefs. I truly hope that President Trump and RFK Jr. are truly reading these things because I don’t know if they truly realize the level of corruption and indoctrination that is being fed to students today in a public school setting. This ought to scare society at large because this is the mindset of future working class of people. I agree with the need for this policy 100% . I was a district IT Specialist and rolled out 1:1 laptops and understand the gravity of systems that must be put in place to leverage technology while keeping kids safe and filtered.
I’m a software engineer & I’ve loved computers since I was a kid
But you are spot-on
Computer labs are great & we should continue to have them in schools
Personal laptops in school? GTFOH, get rid of them - there’s absolutely no need
I was a public school teacher for 7 years, and my 3rd year is when they really started the push for laptops in every child’s hands. I knew then it wasn’t a good idea, but the school pressure was constant. The kids could barely function or think for themselves. All they wanted to do was copy/paste. Technology at that age should be purposeful and well-guided. The kids need to build critical thinking skills before they’re ready to handle unbridled use. For core subjects I really don’t think laptops are necessary.
That’s the worst part, I think teachers universally hate it
How could they not? It’s a constant distraction, and most teachers don’t have the tech chops (nor should they) to fix/monitor/etc.
My question is how have teachers not rebelled & put out an ultimatum that unless they get rid of the laptops they won’t teach
Yes, my husband is in tech as well. He didn’t need or use a laptop during his school-age years, and he developed the skills needed to move over to tech world. Based on his experience and education, I think that’s the better route to take. As kids get older they can apprentice for tech jobs if it’s what they’re really interested in. Labs are great! Constant screen use with no real purpose is harmful.
The entire idea that kids need to learn how to use tech in school just makes absolutely no sense
Yeah I’m sure when they go home they’re not completely surrounded by tech
They really do a good job with the propaganda. “Kids need to be prepared to use tech for their jobs. Look at all these great apps for learning!” I definitely was disillusioned with it, but for many teachers it’s do what you can to keep your job. Many teachers I encountered were just following the system and sticking it out for retirement. I was too young for that! Sad state of affairs, but I completely agree with you! Kids are surrounded by tech. Schools don’t need to hyper-focus on it, especially in core classes. I think AI might drive some back to paper/pencil to make students think more for themselves.
Amen bring back pencil and paper no more iPads in school. Make it a special a class room where they learn to type and play games after typing lessons I’m down with bring this back