Note: I can’t seem to control which links are expanded. Sorry about that.
At the moment the 2 major parties rule, yet as much as 43% of eligible voters don’t really vote.
And a majority want more options.
Yet, I’ve found ALMOST 20 OTHER parties! HOW are they not options on the ballots? (Okay, some are definitely extremist, but they are parties, so I’m still listing them.)
neither left nor right
⁰¹Libertarian National Committee, Inc. (L.N.C.) d.b.a. Libertarian Party (L.P.)
with 300+ office-holders (as of Dec. 2022)
⁰²U.S. Pirate Party (U.S.P.P.)
⁰³U.S. Transhumanist Party
⁰⁴Reform Party National Committee d.b.a the Reform Party of the United States
⁰⁵Forward Party, Inc.
⁰⁶The Green Party of the United States (G.P.U.S.)
with 144 office-holders (as of Feb. 2024)
⁰⁷Justice Party U.S.A. (dead?)
⁰⁸Movement for a People’s Party (M.P.P.) of ‘People for a Working Democracy’ d.b.a. The People’s Party
⁰⁹Peace and Freedom Party (California’s Feminist Socialist Political Party)
¹⁰Alliance Party National Committee d.b.a. Alliance Party
¹¹Socialist Party U.S.A. (S.P.U.S.A.)
¹²Party for Socialism and Liberation
¹³Communist Party U.S.A. (C.P.U.S.A.)
¹⁴Constitution Party National Committee d.b.a. Constitution Party
with 28 office-holders (as of July 2024)
¹⁵American Solidarity Party (formerly “Christian Democratic Party USA”)
¹⁶Life & Liberty Party National Committee d.b.a. Life & Liberty Party
¹⁷American Nazi Party (A.N.P.)
Perhaps, the Federal Election Commission (F.E.C.) should have personnel from ALL the parties (with/without the extremist parties?), not just the 2 predominant ones?
● Also, WHY is election-period here in the U.S. so freaking long?
It makes running for office ever more expensive, barring more normal, everyday citizens from running (with reasonable chance of winning), and ensures only the well-monied (and/or those with connections & debt of gratitude to them) can run for office. Meanwhile, in other democracies?
Compare that with Mexico’s 176 days, the U.K.‘s 139, the Philippines’ & Brazil’s 90, Canada’s 36-78, Argentina’s 25 (but de-facto 60, given when ads can begin running), France’s 14 (max. 36), Japan’s 15, etc.
I think there should be a limit to election-cycle lengths. And you?
What say you on these 2 ideas?