Election Integrity Act

Election Integrity Act

To strengthen election security, ensure transparency and accountability, and protect the integrity of federal elections through enhanced oversight and stricter penalties for fraud.

Title I: Establishment of the Election Marshals Office

Section 1: Creation of Election Law Enforcement (LOE) Division

  1. Establish a federal Election Marshals Office (EMO) tasked exclusively with overseeing and enforcing election laws.
  2. The EMO shall operate as an independent federal law enforcement agency, free from oversight or control by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Executive Branch.
  3. The EMO director will be appointed by a bipartisan Congressional commission and confirmed by the Senate.

Section 2: Responsibilities of Election Marshals

  1. Monitor federal election processes and investigate allegations of election-related crimes.
  2. Arrest individuals suspected of committing federal election fraud.
  3. Protect polling locations, election workers, and observers to ensure secure voting environments.
  4. Submit annual reports to Congress detailing activities and findings.

Title II: Enhanced Penalties for Election Fraud

Section 1: Increased Sentencing for Election Fraud

  1. Any individual convicted of federal election fraud shall face a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years and a maximum of life imprisonment.
  2. Election fraud includes, but is not limited to:
  • Ballot tampering or falsification.
  • Fraudulent voter registration.
  • Intimidation or coercion of voters.
  • Conspiracy to undermine election outcomes.

Section 2: Federal Prosecution Authority

  1. All allegations of election fraud shall be investigated and prosecuted by the EMO, ensuring impartial enforcement of election laws.

Title III: Bipartisan Inspection of Polling Locations

Section 1: Mandatory Bi-Partisan Oversight

  1. All polling locations conducting federal elections must allow one or more representatives from each legally recognized political party to:
  • Monitor the voting process.
  • Record activities for transparency.
  • Supervise ballot handling and counting.
  1. Polling locations that fail to comply with this requirement may face federal penalties, including funding withdrawal and potential criminal charges against responsible officials.

Section 2: Election Activity Transparency

  1. All federal election-related activities must be conducted in the presence of bipartisan observers, ensuring transparency at every stage, including early voting and mail-in ballot counting.

Title IV: Voter Identification Requirements

Section 1: National Voter ID Standards

  1. All voters participating in federal elections must present a valid state or federal photo ID at the time of voting.
  2. Acceptable forms of ID include state-issued driver’s licenses, federal passports, or other government-issued photo identification.

Section 2: Accessibility for Voter ID

  1. Federal funding will be allocated to states to provide free photo identification to eligible voters who cannot afford it.
  2. Voter registration records must be updated and linked to valid identification databases to ensure accuracy and prevent fraud.

Title V: Repeal of the 21st Amendment

Section 1: Repeal

  1. The 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution is hereby repealed.
  2. Federal authority over election-related legislation shall supersede any state laws or regulations to ensure uniform standards and integrity in federal elections.

Title VI: Implementation and Oversight

Section 1: Effective Date

  1. This Act shall take effect immediately upon passage and signature into law.

Section 2: Oversight and Reporting

  1. A Congressional Oversight Committee shall monitor the implementation of this Act and ensure compliance with its provisions.
  2. A publicly accessible online portal will provide updates on federal election activities and findings from the EMO.