Election Integrity Act
To strengthen election security, ensure transparency and accountability, and protect the integrity of federal elections through enhanced oversight and stricter penalties for fraud.
Title I: Establishment of the Election Marshals Office
Section 1: Creation of Election Law Enforcement (LOE) Division
- Establish a federal Election Marshals Office (EMO) tasked exclusively with overseeing and enforcing election laws.
- The EMO shall operate as an independent federal law enforcement agency, free from oversight or control by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Executive Branch.
- The EMO director will be appointed by a bipartisan Congressional commission and confirmed by the Senate.
Section 2: Responsibilities of Election Marshals
- Monitor federal election processes and investigate allegations of election-related crimes.
- Arrest individuals suspected of committing federal election fraud.
- Protect polling locations, election workers, and observers to ensure secure voting environments.
- Submit annual reports to Congress detailing activities and findings.
Title II: Enhanced Penalties for Election Fraud
Section 1: Increased Sentencing for Election Fraud
- Any individual convicted of federal election fraud shall face a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years and a maximum of life imprisonment.
- Election fraud includes, but is not limited to:
- Ballot tampering or falsification.
- Fraudulent voter registration.
- Intimidation or coercion of voters.
- Conspiracy to undermine election outcomes.
Section 2: Federal Prosecution Authority
- All allegations of election fraud shall be investigated and prosecuted by the EMO, ensuring impartial enforcement of election laws.
Title III: Bipartisan Inspection of Polling Locations
Section 1: Mandatory Bi-Partisan Oversight
- All polling locations conducting federal elections must allow one or more representatives from each legally recognized political party to:
- Monitor the voting process.
- Record activities for transparency.
- Supervise ballot handling and counting.
- Polling locations that fail to comply with this requirement may face federal penalties, including funding withdrawal and potential criminal charges against responsible officials.
Section 2: Election Activity Transparency
- All federal election-related activities must be conducted in the presence of bipartisan observers, ensuring transparency at every stage, including early voting and mail-in ballot counting.
Title IV: Voter Identification Requirements
Section 1: National Voter ID Standards
- All voters participating in federal elections must present a valid state or federal photo ID at the time of voting.
- Acceptable forms of ID include state-issued driver’s licenses, federal passports, or other government-issued photo identification.
Section 2: Accessibility for Voter ID
- Federal funding will be allocated to states to provide free photo identification to eligible voters who cannot afford it.
- Voter registration records must be updated and linked to valid identification databases to ensure accuracy and prevent fraud.
Title V: Repeal of the 21st Amendment
Section 1: Repeal
- The 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution is hereby repealed.
- Federal authority over election-related legislation shall supersede any state laws or regulations to ensure uniform standards and integrity in federal elections.
Title VI: Implementation and Oversight
Section 1: Effective Date
- This Act shall take effect immediately upon passage and signature into law.
Section 2: Oversight and Reporting
- A Congressional Oversight Committee shall monitor the implementation of this Act and ensure compliance with its provisions.
- A publicly accessible online portal will provide updates on federal election activities and findings from the EMO.