Elder Care

We need to take better care of our senior citizens.

-Grandmothers & Grandfathers that have contributed to society and are citizens should be taken care of with subsidies to help pay for retirement community living, nursing homes/hospices, prescription drugs to be free for maintenance meds.

-Establish EBT for seniors in need of food support.

-Eliminate mental health costs for seniors that include Alzheimer’s and dementia treatments/therapies.

-Reform Medicare & Medicaid programs to actually help our seniors stay healthy and get proper treatments when needed.

-Create new laws to prevent politicians & government employees from raiding the social security fund, effectively making any attempt to diminish the fund improperly, to be illegal and punishable as a federal crime. This shouldn’t be a political issue. Our seniors deserve to be taken care of.


My husband has just been diagnosed with dementia. It’s not fare that I have to worry about loosing everything when the time comes and I can no longer take care of him. Something needs done about this problem . Also his neurologist and family dr says he needs More tests from a neuropsychologist but the insurance says it’s not necessary and they won’t medicate my husband until he gets The tests . There needs to be more help. It also seems cruel putting a person threw the last stages.



My grandfather had Alzheimer’s. WW2 Vet, who did not receive the care he should have from the VA or from our broken health care system. I’m sorry to hear about your husband, unfortunately I’ve seen too many that suffer from these conditions and be turned away for needed care. Everyone deserves a dignified last chapter of their lives as well as those that love them. My heart goes out to you and your husband. May God watch over and bless the both of you!

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Thank you . To make matters worse my husband bucks me on everything he dont want me to be prepared for any of it . If I try I want him dead, expect him to die or I just want to throw him in a nursing home. He has tries to bully and intimidate me. He’s a selfish jerk most of the time . I ask him why would I want to take care of you if you continue to act like this ? He has No reply. He’s in early stages so I know he knows What he’s doing . I understand he’s afraid of what’s coming but so am I and I’m doing the best I can . Some days he just makes me shake from stress. I have had to fight him on not driving . He’s been very Jean to me about that . He had a wreck and a lot of close calls. Was even heading up the wrong side of a high way . I honestly don’t know how I’m going to take care of him but I’ll have to or loose my home . Bank accounts are drained from the last four years. I know there is a lot more people in my shape
I don’t know how long my nerves can deal with this and when the time comes I’ll have to choose between me being homeless or put him in a care facility. I know there is a lot of people in this situation and need help . It’s awful . My heart goes out to everyone dealing with this. My grandfather had dementia and lived to be 96. He prepared And he gave Up driving on his own . He would beg god take him. But he was Kid and looked out for his wife .

I receive $23 EBT a month. Certainly not enough for a months worth of groceries.
I will say that was the best thing about COVID because we received the full amount of EBT each month. That’s what we should receive regularly!