In response to you saying, “they should understand the procedures, methods, and possible outcomes of abortions.”
I included a detailed stipulation in my comprehensive proposal that would provide that.
Pass a law that in order to get federal funding, high schools must make a graduation requirement and colleges make an admission requirement students must first pass an awareness class, taught by a non-school, non-teacher union, non-ideological, independent contractor, using a transparent curriculum available to the public online, regarding:
-what abortion procedures are really like
-fetal & child development
-all the resources available to low income moms
-basic parenting skills & perspectives from moms about what motherhood is really like and its challenges and rewards
-primary attachment theory
-physical/psychological risks & experiences of pregnancy and abortion
-the causes & harmful effects of toxic stress against pregnant moms and our babies
-the harms of absent fatherhood
-awareness about all forms of abuse, including narcissistic abuse, economic abuse and coercive control
-awareness about all forms of, and the harms of, exploitation of women’s bodies, all forms of sexual coercion, pregnancy coercion, abortion coercion and our “player culture”
-biological sex differences between men and women
-adoption awareness, especially for children with Down Syndrome
-perspectives and experiences from children and parents about the causes, challenges, rewards and parenting/child-care strategies for various disabilities and learning disorders, especially for Down Syndrome, Autism & ADHD
Would you please consider my proposal? It’s a well-informed, comprehensive, widely-appealing federal exception law that will address the top concerns about abortion and pro-life laws, END the polarization/misinformation and forever take away the Democrats’ top wedge issue:
RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue