K-12 no longer educates children. They rewire the brain to be a citizen who functions at the basic levels of society.
We need to bring back education to the education system as well as create an optional curriculum that parents can sign their children up for that are held off school campus and are funded through their local communities if voted on.
We need to implement mandatory changes such as:
Home economics that teaches real life tools from sowing, baking, gardening, to basic car mechanics.
Each grade in middle school and highschool math classes should focus at least one quarter to taxes and tax laws.
Government should include basic federal laws.
Entrepreneurial and leadership classes.
Nature studies.
Parents should have the opportunity to ensure their children are educated in a manner that is in alignment with their beliefs even if the general public does not agree with them.
They should have options that are funded by their communities that can be chosen as an elective like Seminary is for many areas at the middle school and highschool levels.
These electives cannot interfere with the other students education.
Electives include:
Gender education
DEI education
Additionally, all school counselors should be licensed counselors or therapists and play an active role within their schools by implementing visits to each student at least once per quarter.