EBT Restrictions

Nationally revamp the EBT program to not allow certain foods that are high in sugar or very fattening. The EBT program needs to be more like the WIC program that gives users a limited choice of healthy options that meet dietary health requirements. Obesity and Diabetes is an epidemic in this country and it affects the poor more so than any other demographic. Many of these poor are also on the taxpayer funded EBT program. I’m from WV, (the #2 obese state in the nation, next to Mississippi), and I can’t count the number of times I’ve observed someone using their EBT benefits at the check-out lane with a cart full of Mountain Dew and Hostess cup cakes. I’m sure the food lobby and probably the pharmaceutical industry are against this proposal because these are their customers or soon to be customers. These little kids are being weaned on Pepsi, Hot Pockets and Snickers bars that’s not only contributing to obesity, but is a precursor for type 2 diabetes (also and epidemic among children) along with a plethora of co-morbidities associated with consuming large amounts of sugar and fat. So why are we (as a nation) supporting this with taxpayer funded EBT cards?
In addition to there being a healthier alternative…quite frankly, I’m disgusted to see people with EBT cards also buying the best cut steaks and lobster while working middle class can’t even afford that. I can’t remember which politician said it, but it rings so true… “People shouldn’t be too comfortable in poverty”. I couldn’t agree more!


Look I am a senior citizen on EBT, the problem with most of us we don’t get a lot on our cards, for me, I only get about $22.00 on my card, which does not give me much to work with. I don’t disagree with cutting some things off EPT, to trim it down but with small amounts of money, it won’t matter to us senior’s we can normally buy those things let along the heather food, I think, some education for people getting EBT would also help.

I couldn’t have said it any better- 100%

I agree they should put a limit on the dollar amount that can go toward things loke soda and junk foods. Kids should be able to have treats from time to time but not too much. If the EBT holder is buying steak and lobsters, they are good proteins so let them. Some people on EBT work full time and are not trying to be in poverty. Their job just doesn’t pay enough for their position and the economy. ID should be presented when using EBT so they aren’t being sold for cash.