Easy election digitally

There should be a digital voting for all legislative things bring to Congress.

Every citizen will be required to create a login when applying for an ID in person.

Must have a phone with fingerprint and facial recognition software to make a vote digitally.

This is not an actual vote; but an idea of what the people want for their country.

So the power will stay in the people’s hands.

If their elected congressman or woman choose not to vote in their favor; this will be a reminder during a next election.

If the president or vice gets 70% or higher bad ratings, impeachment should be brought into Congress for a vote.

No more year long process to convict or impeach a sitting member of any govt personnel.

Judges should not have power to talk down or belittle any human being.

Cops should be fired and never hired in any police jurisdiction if he abuses or misuses his power.

Cops should be prosecuted if trying to cover up another cops wrongdoing.

Every govt employee should have transparency on their life, income, and communications to ensure the American people have an honest employee.

Govt officials should be monitor 24/7 for oversight.