Tik tok and other social media platforms are why I even found this incredible website. There’s a massive amount of change in so many areas of life that the world has been able to benefit from with these apps. There are millions of dollars being poured into the economy from tik tok and other social media platforms. I would love to see less regulation across ALL social media because I as a creator am very limited on what I can say on health and wellness matters in fear of the FDA, big pharma trying to shut me and others down. We need to let the people decide and destroy these massive corporations who control so many aspects of our live
Vote responsibly by the way they already banned it just hasn’t taken effect yet
Free speech should be particularly protected in the modern town squares. If it does not break laws i.e. calls to violence then it should be permitted.
Tictoc was banned back in March, it was supposed to be gone by July 5 months or they had to sell, they extended the five months through October because they didn’t want it to interfere with the elections actually they wanted to campaign on the platform. But yeah after the elections is good there’s a real good chance you may not see it. Tictoc could fail legal challenges and that can hold it up in courts for years and allow it to be up for years but yeah they already did that. There has been rumors a deal has been made with the Kamala team but who knows.
It’s difficult to agree with you because you speak from both sides of your mouth.
On the one hand, you don’t want tiktok banned yet on the other you lament big corporations and big government. Which is it? Decide or be considered just another wishy-washy poster.
In a sense, I don’t disagree with either sentiment. It is not - or should not - be up to government to determine what we see, hear, or read. Big corporate interests - like big pharma - should not have the political clout and control that they have, but neither should be shut down by the government.
How about we amend the constitution to ban corporate money - in fact all money from entities not born of woman - from contributing to poltiical candidates or causes and from participating in any way in government except when called upon for advice - on the record - by congress, the courts, or the office of the POTUS; and we ban them from any and all interaction with the bureaucracy?
There are presumptive idiots in Colorado suing to give personhood - ie, legal rights normally arrogated only to humans - to elephants in captivity at the Cheyenne Zoo. Giving personhood under the law to corporations, PACs, and other entities - although consisting of humans, entities that are only legal constructs - makes as little sense as giving it to elephants.