Do Not Ban Tik Tok

We shouldn’t have a ban for TikTok. We shouldn’t have a ban for TikTok. We shouldn’t have a ban for TikTok. We shouldn’t have a ban for TikTok.


Tik tok is a nightmare. Encourages stupid dangerous dares and gives bad information to simple minded people

That’s an opinion and that’s what’s great about our FREE country. Stop kids 16 and under from access if you want to do that.

so? the government is not a toddlers nanny.

if you fear people are too stupid, work on better education, critical thinking skills, etc.


Decouple the program from any and all Chinese companies and entities. The ban for Tik-Tok was put in place to stop the ability of China to steal US information. I agree with another poster for this , that Tik-Tok encourages stupid actions especially in kids and teens.