do NOT ban the books outlined in project 2025.

There is a list of 389 books proposed to be banned in project 2025 including but not limited to: to kill a mockingbird, the diary of Anne Frank, The Holy Bible, of mice and men, the great Gatsby, the handmaids tale, the entire harry potter series, many of Shakespeare’s works, the hunger games series, Fahrenheit 451, and MANY other books that are FUNDAMENTAL & CRITICAL parts of not only everyday life, but especially school curriculum. banning them & putting restrictions on the media would cause a violation to our first amendment right of free speech. While president Trump has not affiliated himself directly with this project, it is very important that these books do not get banned & our constitutional rights are upheld.

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My daughter is an avid reader and she is terrified the books she loves are going to be taken from her. I really hope this list isn’t true.