DMV Registration renewal Fees lessen and every 5 yrs

So in California we have a Issue Where we Pay registration Every year even if we buy a new car from a dealership we need to come up with a law that prohibits a registration to only be register every 5-7 years for new cars and every 2-3 years for older cars 2010 and under and these payments for registration should be lessened DRASTICALLY!!! to pay 400$ every year for my car for a piece of paper that they probably delete the year Just to put the new year IS RIDICULOUS!!

we should only be paying for the tags during the first 4-6 years yearly which is $30-$60 ( year of car) before having to repay for registration.

please Make sense of this…I Buy a $30,000 Car of a Dealership in California and i still have to pay $4-$500 a year for REGISTRATION?!

please make it make sense!!! :sob: