My suggestion is two-fold.
Dismantle the United States Postal Service. All I get is junk mail. I receive all my bills via email. (For now, I’ll take a “unsubscribe/no ship” list like the “no call” list). So many trees are being killed by all the wasted paper that goes straight into my trash (and it also wastes my time.)
Use the USPS buildings for government (free) preschools / daycare (that use Montessori / active learning / child-led learning to encourage creativity).
There are so many people in my city who complain about the cost of daycare, or say they don’t work because it doesn’t even cover the cost of daycare, or they can’t even find daycare because there’s a shortage. All of these could be solved by having universal preschool from birth up.
Funding for this could come from dismantling the USPS. Shipping could all go through UPS instead, because they are infinitely more efficient (and they’re always in most every neighborhood daily anyway, delivering for Amazon, so why have both?)
This might require keeping the Department of Education though…