Every state has their own Department of environmental quality divisions. I think it will lower tax dollars if the EPA was abolished. The agencies can adopt and enforce the rules the EPA has already set into place but there is no need for the EPA anymore.
Or strip the EPA regulations back to only what is in the various acts. Require EPA use only consensus standards for methods, guidance, and maximum limits
Environmental Quality is a state’s rights issue not a federal issue. Completely close down the EPA.
I agree, however, Congress has already voted and Presidents have signed the various acts to set guidelines and limits on pollution. This is why I say this part should be done on a National level by consensus organizations such as ANSI or ASTM. Establishment of guidelines and approval of methods should not be done by mid level managers whose only qualification is they applied for a government job. All stakeholders should agree by voting. If there are no National guidelines then it would be very difficult to enforce state by state because the criteria would be different. Labs could end up having to use different methods forced by states, rather than allowed to use any VCSB published method that works.