Disband FEMA And Create An Independent Leaner, More Agile, Constitution-Friendly Emergency Management Agency Outside of Homeland Security

The American People have witnessed on numerous occasions: FEMA’s gross negligence, incompetence, willful disregard of Constitutional protections, mismanagement of funds, hostile interactions with the American people in periods of distress, bullying, harassing, generating internal correspondence and training materials that are in direct contradiction to American values, blocking and stalling of FOIA requests and investigations into improper administrative practices, illegal searches and seizures, threats and assaults with deadly weapons, murder, kidnapping and other unconstitutional incarcerations, disrespect and theft of private property, extensive lawfare, political- and ideological-driven neglect and open hostility toward patriotic Americans and Trump supporters, spreading fear and terror (aka: terrorism ) while erecting mysterious FEMA camps all over the country, and on and on…

Since the time it was intially rolled under former President Bush Sr.'s newly create Department of Homeland Security (yea, the same fellow who dictated to the American People that we would have a New World Order and learn to like it), FEMA has demonstrated itself to be a failed, compromised, evil institution, and an inherent threat and disastrous expense to the American People.

Pretending to have grandeous patriotic investigations, finding a few fall guys, and shuffling things around within FEMA will not fix the current threat that it poses to America. This apparent and overtly corrupt, and thoroughly-demonstrated compromised organization should be stripped out from beneath the Dept of Homeland Security and shut down completely; and a brand new smaller, more nimble and efficient American-friendly disaster relief agency should be constructed from the ground up, ensuring American values and Constitutional obedience permeates throughout the entire framework of this new agency. The existing FEMA camps constructed around the country should be immediately dismantled and their construction materials and govt properties auctioned off to help fund the construction of the newly created America-friendly agency. Finally, military tribunals should be held for those officers who have, since the inception of FEMA under DHS, violated the sacred Constitutional rights of the American People in times of declared national/state/local emergencies, where FEMA was involved. Thanks.


Very well put, now the thing that saddens me, I am still hearing from people North Carolina Tennessee and the Appalachian mountains, still are getting the run around, they are not getting any help as well still living in tents, even though, there are FMA trailers set up, they are not putting these people in them, the people are still being forced to sell there land for $ 2,500 which is disgusting, i am sure the land is worth more but its these peoples home for decades.
Solution, one if FMA does not use the $9 billion that it has for disaster relief, then they need to be shut down immediately, the $9 billion be use to help the hurricane victims, then reconstruct and department, that is just for disaster relief, that’s all the money be used for. Not allowing any member or family members have any connection with any disasters at all, as we are seen with the husband of VP harris, there is way to many time this happens and needs to stop, its a conflict of interest, which should be against the law. The proposal above makes sense as well sounds like a good plan.


Thought on FEMA… Definitely end the department. Each state have their own emergency response system that coordinates with other states & non profits like the Cajun Navy or Samaritans purse as examples. Some states might decide to form a compact (similar to a co-op) for areas hit by hurricanes annually. Or for states hit by tornados, etc. the fed govt can contribute/distribute the supplies they have to each state. And give a set amount annually to each state with NO STRINGS attached! That would costs less tax dollars & states can handle their own emergency disasters more quickly & faster than FEMA ever has. FEMA has not be effective since it began. In the last 12 months FEMA has been a biased & shamefully handled department. And worst, FEMA has greatly hindered recovery instead of a help for victims of the last 2 hurricanes. Volunteers & state resources have been the ones of the massive recovery efforts. In Western NC, victims of HELENE are in tents and make shift shelters. With/without heat. No safe water, no sewer. Yet FEMA “workers” are staying in FEMA trailers with heat, water & indoor bathrooms. But it’s too cold for the FEMA workers to do anything. So, delete FEMA. Move the power to the states.

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@SueK Worthwhile idea!
Help me understand why we need a federal entity at all. Each state has an emergency equivalent. Perhaps they might need help or money, but there are non federal, even non tax payer, solutions for those.

Thanks for the ‘heads-up’ Elon! :clap: :+1:

Now, why is FEMA still operating when it is a clear and present danger to the American People? :roll_eyes:

Meanwhile, Hawaians and North Carolinians are still sleeping in tents…

Please claw back these funds and close the doors on this foreign agency.