DIA personnel

Personnel hired to serve military interests of the United States in the Defense Intelligence Agency should only be former military personnel of the United States. Not civilian hires. Too many civilians joined DIA for a career and were not cognizant or thoughtful of the reason DIA exists.

Only former military personnel understand the life or death choices which go with every action involving military campaigns and excel at the mission becuase they usually care about who dies or survives when intelligence is produced. The vast majority of straight civilian hires did it for the pay and promotions, moving as they felt their career needed, not as the mission demanded.

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Or spooks. Not all military personnel are trained for intelligence work.

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Not spooks, unless they are previous military. The DIA has a very specific job set around military operations and spooks from the CIA tend to mess it up every time. You can look up all the times that “military” attaches have been removed from other countries and it is always a spook who was placed in there.