Many people blame seed and omega-6 oils for health problems that should be blamed on the damage done to these oils by improper manufacturing processes and the heat damage done by frying.
Seed oils - including flax, which is a rich source of essential omega-3 fatty acids - CAN be and ARE made with health in mind. When the necessary care is taken in manufacturing, and the ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 is right, seed oils will improve both health and energy levels.
Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are essential for health. Deficiencies in these EFAs cause innumerable health issues. In fact. more health problems come from damaged oils than any other part of nutrition. They are worse than white sugar.
More health benefits come from making the oil change that our body needs by optimizing intake of oils that are made with health in mind than any other part of nutrition. Fats are essential for health.
Please go to my Instagram profile and check out my Highlights: my Seed Oil Series as well as my EFA series can help you understand that seed oils are not the enemy. Improper processing of seed oils is what is harming us.
Thank you.