Develop of Treatment Protocol for Gender Dysphoria

Objective: to find best practices for the psychological treatment of gender dysphoria, to disseminate this information to therapists so that they can effectively implement it with clients and to undo the progranda of big pharma and the medical establishment through education.

Inundating children and adolescents with messaging about gender and sexuality has been incredibly detrimental to the mental, physical, emotional, relational health of our kids. They are not developmentally equipped to make sense of these issues; it is overwhelming for their brains. Anxiety, depression and other clinical mental health issues have skyrocketed in the past few years, for many different reasons, including this brainwashing which is incoherent next to teaching kids cognitive behavioral therapy skills (feelings are not facts, cognitive challenging, cognitive reframing etc) not to mention self acceptance for the ways that we might be different from others (including being a feminine male or a masculine female). Gender dysphoria resolves for 80% of kids who go naturally through puberty. But gender reassignment surgeries and hormones are irreversible and experimental; we do not yet full know the long term effects. What happens if you need Alzheimers medications down the road? the dosage for these meds are based off of sex assigned at birth. There is some evidence that this causes cancer or diminished ability to achieve orgasm and therefore intimacy. How sick to promise someone a lifetime of happiness and instead to kill them.
Trump has promised to revoke Biden’s policies on “gender affirming care,” create a federal order to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age, ask congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for procedures, pass law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states, any hospital or healthcare provided that participates in this will no longer meet health and safety standards for Medicaid, and will be terminated from the program immediately, support creation of private right of action for victims to sue doctors who’ve performed these procedures on minor children, Dept of justice will invest big pharma to see if they’ve covered up longterm side effects in order to get rich at the expense of vulnerable patients, invest whether pharma have illegally marketed hormones ad puberty blockers which are not licensed or approved for this use, dept of education will inform states school districts if any teacher or school officials suggests to a child they could be trapped in wrong body severe consequences including potential civil rights violations or sex discrimination.
But Gender dysphoria (GD) still exists and is addressing it is still a legitimate concern for society.
Therapists were silenced from talking about anything other than “gender-affirming care” and were affectively forced to push surgeries and hormones on those with GD We have a huge gap in care for those struggling with GD.
Now that discussion can be opened up about these problems, we need robust research on 1) the causes of gender dysphoria and 2) the most effective treatment for it.
We also need a plan to educate teachers, children and parents on the truth about 1) biology 2) compassionate and effective treatment options for GD 3) the reasons why the previous treatment protocol were completely unethical and ungrounded in the science of healing. We need to flood the airways with these narratives to undo the brainwashing of American’s minds in service to pharma companies.
We should create a team of detransitioners (Chloe Cole, Chris Beck, Scott Newgent), doctors and possibly even health professionals in other countries (or a team that researches and briefs the team on best practices those countries have developed) to develop this treatment protocol and implement it and/or teach it to therapists.
The de-transitioners should be provided a fast track to become therapists should they choose to do so, so that they can compassionately and guided by best practices discovered in the aforementioned group, walk through the options with parents and kids. Scott Newgent in particular, has had his life ruined by medical complications of his surgeries, lost his job etc. and has a coaching service online for this very thing. They could lead seminars for therapists wanting to provide these kind of services so that they can be equipped to respond to this cultural moment.
It would be irresponsible to roll back practices that people have been propagandized with and leave a gap of care, creating a wake of escalated mental health crises in our country. It is not the citizens, and especially children’s fault, they were brainwashed and held emotionally captive by statements such as “would you rather have a dead son than an alive daughter?” They should not suffer for bad policies and bad-faith actors in the medical system.


Additionally, state medical, pharmacy, psychology, education boards need to stop their KGB tactics of professionally assasinating those who object to education curriculum, libraries, social media commentators grooming & confusing kids.


Belief in the word of God and following his word to salvation would take care of this issue and clear up any confusion.

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Easy treatment: the media, the schools, the American Psychological associations, the Trevor Project, the American Pediatric association, the teachers, and Hollywood stop shoving it down society’s throat and grooming kids into believing they’re trans. They are creating the disphoria by adding 72 different genders.

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Yes. That is preventing future issues. But we have a whole generation of confused kids now who need help.


There’s a lot of mischief in the world and there are people who are gay from a very early age, my youngest son was only about 2 when I noticed he was different. However, I think there are many more who are just desperate for their lives to be better and they think that maybe changing genders will help.

Desperation can take many forms; crime, vandalism, gang membership, hypochondria, alcoholism, drug abuse, promiscuity, destructive and self harming behaviors. We need to attack the root causes and not be satisfied in removing individual rights. Do I support children making irreversable decisions? NO. We need to give our children a relevant and complete education, help them develop self esteem, help them identify interests that can lead to careers and most of all - hope for a future in which they are not simply passengers.

It is my belief that this is a better solution than putting them at the mercy of psychologist and psychiatrists. They are just people, too.