Designate English as the Official National Language

While leaving English as merely the unofficial national language has worked for most of the nation’s history, the problems that have been allowed to fester from weak border and immigration policy have made clear that the United States not having a singular official language is no longer viable.

As such, it is time that the United States finally make official its unofficial national language - English.

There could be some wiggle room for local native languages within Indian Reservations, but beyond that, America should finally establish English as the official National Language of the United States of America.


This should carry over to all of the Government forms. They are printed in so many languages today that we are encouraging people NOT to learn English. Printing these forms in English only would save millions of dollars each year.


This also needs to include any licensing as well. States allowing drivers license tests to be taken in other languages does not benifit anyone in allowing there to be a language barrier between license holders and those who enforce compliance. If a driver is stopped and LEO do not speak the same language this will cause issues and posiable mistakes.