Deport anyone committing a significant crime if became a citizen withing last 15 years

Any immigrated person AND HIS/HER FAMILY including any child(ren), including children born in the United States, of said person who immigrated to this country and commits a significant crime (to be defined) shall be permanently deported from the United States even if the person has already been given citizenship. Citizenship will be revoked with no possibility to earn citizenship again. Significant crime shall include illegally entering this country at any time including prior to citizenship. Deportation of the criminal shall occur AFTER completion of any confinement time ordered by any court. The children and family deportation will occur immediately.

No. A citizen is a citizen. American citizens don’t get deported.

This sounds to me like you’re proposing deporting people who did not qualify for citizenship but got fraudulently shoved through the system and given citizenship anyways to keep them here. If that’s what you mean, then, yes get them out and their families.

Yes, that will cause hardship for their spouse and kids they brought here or had here illegally or through misuse of the law. Empathy for their circumstances is not reason to allow our law to be circumvented. They gambled on doing things the illegal way and it did not work out for them. I’m sorry for any suffering they incur but they gambled wrongly.

Out they go. Their citizenship in this case is not valid

Or perhaps I’m reading that wrong?

Well, if it’s not a case of fraudulently awarded citizenship then we couldn’t throw them out with a valid citizenship. Once they’re citizens, if it’s legally done, then they’re ours for life, and their children.

HOWEVER, we could add in a clause of new citizens from here out that have some sort of probationary period. Like Any felony in the first 10 years and you get your citizenship revoked? I don’t think it would be fair to remove their families on that set of circumstances though. It’s not fair to punish someone’s relatives for their crimes.

Even then that would have to be done only in the circumstances of a crime that proves there was false intent on gaining the citizenship in the first place, though, I think. Like if they became a citizen to cover for certain t erroris t activities they’d planned all along, etc.

If their citizenship is legal and valid, not a circumventing of the law, then being a new citizen doesn’t mean the law can be applied to them differently. That’s discrimination and the law then is oppression not a law.

Deport all illegal aliens! No path to citizenship!

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