Deport all illegal aliens

That’s a great analogy

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And simultaneously finish building that wall!


It’s really not the “fault” of the illegal for coming here. They just walked through an open door. I am not against deporting them, but the blame lies at the feet of the B/H administration with feckless/useless Mayorkis at the helm. Revoking any public assistance dollars or housing vouchers should be enough for self-deportation.


If an immigrant has been non-violent for 10+ years in the US, should they still be considered for deportation? I think they should be considered for citizenship, let them comply in paying taxes and being a part of the community without being scared of deportation or ICE. Only until they commit a crime should they be looked at for deportation. I say this with non violent, non criminal family members that are immigrants, but are afraid to be involved in the community and risk everything they’ve built since entering the United States. That is why I, a first gen citizen am speaking up and becoming involved, for the sake of my family. Hard working and good people that can and will be proud to be American!


This comment is absolutely brilliant. You’re over there playing 4D chess. The mass deportations has been deemed impossible by those reviewing the logistics of removing 10+ million individual illegal immigrants. This method has the benefit of creating incentive for the mess to clean itself up. I absolutely love this. @RFK

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Deport them all, criminal record or not. The term itself is ILLEGAL for a reason. No privilege, no favoritism. Revoke the citizenship of any children born here to illegal parents. Remove the loopholes.


The act of illegal migration is in itself an act of disrespect to our people and territory, whether or not harris made it “easy”


my view was to directly go after strongholds like california and deport all of them, that immediately lowers the electoral seats for a big blue states and it also scares all of them into leaving back to home countries. Maybe if they know they would lose half their financial value if caught and deported (making them pay for their own deportation), vs being able to just Fire Sale all their stuff and leave voluntarily, they’d all go back home where they belong.

The problem with making them flee to blue states is dispersion. They will spread out and the impact will not be felt.

Radical culture change and impact on communities is wahts required to make NIMBY and Luxury Belief blue voters change their ways. It has to HURT and the only way to do that is if they all end up in one town.

Pick college towns in blue cities to push migrants into so that the locals have to deal with them. That will cause the youth to recoil.



That disrespect rooted with the Biden/Harris border insecurities. Those people, those desiring prosperity and zero criminal endeavors, were not the ones who made the rule nor the one’s not securing the border. I do not condone the whole situation - but put the blame where such has to be put.

Remember the movie quote from A Bugs Life: " The first rule of LEADERSHIP is everything is your FAULT".

Thankful into you.


God Bless,

John German

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I would amend this to say single parents, not just single mothers. Single dads are out there, too, and often overlooked.

The mere presence of additional workers creates downward pressure on wages (Econ 101).

This is so regardless of whether the individual is American or foreign. We should keep most foreigners out of the US in order to increase the wage rate for our current citizens. For an excellent example, please President Trump’s first term border policy.

The “Red States First” approach first coaxes illegals into super-blue states: California, Illinois, New York, etc. But Republicans will “own” most of the rest. Republicans then, with both chambers of Congress in hand, revise census legislation so as to NOT count illegal immigrants. This is all part of Phase 1.

Phase 2 commences once these three previous BLUE states begin voting RED just to get rid of the illegals. It does so by removing illegals from these three (or so) states and sending them back to their native countries.

In summary: Biden thought illegals would work in his favor. “Red States First” inverts that so all these current illegals become a gift to the Republican Party. For about 20 years or so. Or however long it takes to get rid of them. A small “tweak” that produces massive, beneficial results.

Okay, why arent you going to mexico crossing without papers and taking up residence there to raise your standard of living? Would it be wrong of you? You arent entitled to their space, right?

They came because they felt entitled to be here. The graft of claiming poverty in order to obtain the right to be here has to end.



This is kind of leading to nowhere. I agree on the strict border policies, though that’s not the reality with the Biden/Harris administration.

There has been mentions of birth rates downgrading and the potential of lack of workers due to population collapses. So, indirectly, additional workers with the lower birth rates could be a bonus - though position the skillsets with the wisdom for every human based on those factors and beyond.

Up to the employers to adhere to strict wages, regardless of Econ courses and the like, to align with payscales and more based on skillsets, wisdom, and higher instead of the normal as usual scapegoating based on the manmade laws and rules set forth as humans evolved.

That will end my back and forth here.

Thankful into you.


God Bless,

John German

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Blame the leaders. They selected to eliminate the strict borders. They decided to allow all those people to come in and allow propaganda to wildfire through society, which welcomed the uproar in migrants. The country welcomed them. Didn’t stop them. Didn’t turn them back. Didn’t broadcast to not try to come through the border.

Again, Democratic leadership failed. Not those crossing, though the whole scenario wasn’t grand on either side, but if strict borders remained, this wouldn’t be a conversation.

That will end my back and forth here.

Thankful into you.


God Bless,

John German


There is an obvious flaw in this idea:

Congress is apportioned by census numbers.
Sending illegal immigrants to blue states would net those states even more representation in the House of Representatives.

Of course, if the census only counted citizens this would be a great idea!


I will volunteer nights and weekends to round these invaders up

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Hung Cao is correct with “Don’t ask for the American dream if you’re not willing to obey American laws and embrace the American culture.”

But his statement overlooks the issue that all the extra workers we allow in will suppress wages (for the poor and middle-class and everyone in between) for quite some time. In light of current societal unrest, it’s time we frankly no longer have.


Enter our country legally or be removed criminally.


Bag them, tag them, air drop them into their country of origin. Execute the violent ones. Don’t give them a dime.

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