Department of Artificial intelligence

There should be a department of artificial intelligence as part of the federal executive departments in addition to the other 15 main departments.

Surprised how this has not been created already as AI is the most crucial thing right now and is revolutionizing the entire world

The department of artificial intelligence (DOAI) will contain multiple agencies that will each specialize in regulating different areas of ai. Such as an ai safety agency, etc.

Correctly managing ai is absolutely crucial and a secretary of artificial intelligence would be a great addition.


On Dr Yompolskiy makes the only realistic recommendations that I have heard about managing the AI threat to humanity. IT TRULY is an existential threat. Humanity and the planet itself is at risk to unbounded AGI, artificial general intelligence. But he makes good recommendations:

  1. Only allow focused AI that is limited in its domain e.g. medical, physics, or whatever. We DONT NEED general intelligence, something that can do everything that humans can do and more. It gives us very little additional benefits and many risks.

  2. Require AI companies to prove the safety of their product, just like any other company has to e.g. Automobiles, planes, medical, etc.

  3. The entire world must unite in an agreement on how AI is managed, otherwise rogue states will try to bypass any regulations.


I’m completely out of my element on this topic, so I am just going to drop this here. since Elon Musk knows what he’s talking about.

The pertinent discussion concerning AI and governance begins at 1 hour and 36 minutes.

His suggestion was made to Obama in 2016 that an “insight committee” should be formed where industry leaders meet and agree on operational standards that they will all abide by. The structure should be put in place asap it sounds like.

Hopefully, he will be pushing for this himself - but just so there’s a record of it somewhere, lol.

Finally, sad to add this story, but I think it’s important it’s here:

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AI regulation is important, but I do not believe a department with multiple agencies is the way to do it.

Who would control the ultimate power-switch, the U.S. President or a committee? Similar to the nuclear football? How would the structure work? How can we govern AI with the appropriate speed to the AI growth? Tell me more pls. Great topic.

I was coming here for this very thing. AI definitely needs to be regulated somehow. It’s an amazing technology and I’ve used ChatGTP. It’s pretty awesome to play around with. It also scares me. The possibilities that come into my “worst case scenario” brain have me questioning a lot of things that could happen if AI is left unregulated. The truth presented in media is already blurred. I don’t want to live in a world where some people could literally lose all sense of reality and maintain their daily life based on generated images, text and sounds provided by an AI platform.