Although this endowment looks good on paper, it has been abrogated and abused by “artists” who promote vulgarity and perversion that corrodes culture instead of highighting and accentuating the positive aspects of our American culture.
I am starving for new art that speaks to the human spirit, and would gladly see a national endowment for beautiful, skillful and engaging art that is truly inclusive. The NEA has gone the way of so many public institutions, however, and impresses upon the public the idea that the government creates a standard that is corporate and inhumane. It is directed at the people rather than by and for them. Perhaps there is no such thing as publicly funded art, and that enterprise is better left to private funds and the more honest analysis of free markets.
The NEA is riddled with cronyism; it functions mostly to keep the arts stuck in a sterile academicism and shut out new and less dreary approaches. I agree that it should be shut down and the money used for some less wasteful purpose.