Decriminalize Victimless laws

Our jails and prisons are over filled with people, the U.S. has the most people per capita in prison out of any country and unfortunately some of those people were arrested and charged with crimes that don’t have a victim E.g. (Speeding, doing drugs or gambling). I personally would approve of complete decriminalization but if you still want to prevent people from doing these things you can still have fines or other penalties apply

This alone shows the problem with what you’re proposing.

Speeding is only ‘victimless’ until an accident happens because of the speeding. Would you also try to argue that driving on the wrong side of the road should be OK if it doesn’t result in anything bad happening? Or that running stop lights and stop signs shouldn’t be punished unless someone gets hurt?

Speed limits exist for a reason, and if there’s no penalty for breaking it, then they might as well not exist.

To be clear I’m not saying these laws should have no repercussions, I’m saying if there is no victim you should not be imprisoned or have any type of harsh punishment.

Even by your logic you should agree with me, if someone is speeding on an empty interstate highway they should be held to a much lower standard than someone who is speeding and weaving through traffic that ends up hitting someone. In any scenario the person that negatively affected someone else should be charged harsher than the one that committed a victimless crime. And additionally speeding can have a victim even if there isn’t an accident, if you scare someone with your driving, cause someone else to get into an accident or force someone to make a drastic movement while driving you are certainly affecting them.

We currently have imprisonment as a potential punishment for speeding today and yet we have people that still speed and still get into accidents, on speeding in particular improving driver education and improving road infrastructure would be a much better investment in stopping these accidents from happening than charging people as criminals.

Maybe causing an accident should be illegal instead of speeding, causing an accident has a victim and if we make it illegal people will be more incentivized not to get into an accident.

Let’s make a better list of “victimless” crimes. Speeding is a terrible example because there are so many news stories of accidents and harm caused by drivers speeding.

One example comes to mind. The recent charges against President Trump for allegedly over estimating the value of Mar a Lago. Even the bank that was processing the loan wrote the loan and testified they didn’t have an issue with his values. Conservatives use this case as evidence of weaponized justice.

That’s not an example of a ‘victimless crime’ so much as it is the Democrats inventing a crime that didn’t exist in their TDS-driven mission to ‘get Trump’.