The point of Three Strikes is to have three separate cases/events because I don’t trust people just as much as I don’t trust the court system. During the Salem Witch Trial, not only were the courts running corruptly but victims recognized this and abused it. Victims lying today is not as uncommon as you would think.
Here are common examples of victims/offenders lying today:
- The wife claims the husband raped the children.
- (Extremely common) College women claiming some guy raped them.
- Father/Mother lying about a heinous crime their son/daughter committed.
As for why I choose specifically three strikes and three years:
- Strikes are to represent three separate cases/events to prove there is a consistent pattern.
- Years are to give time for the possibilities of anomalies.
- Three is simply a number I choose because in baseball a common phrase is “Three strikes, you are out!”
Anything less than three can easily lead to another Salem Witch Trial. If people would feel more comfortable with 5, you won’t hear me saying no because right now it is infinite. Right now society is like Batman, only punishing the Joker with a slap on the wrist as he kills tens of thousands.
I should mention that a Death Felony will not remove other charges and is an extension of charges. The offender must pay for the crimes of all other charges; however, a Death Felony cannot be stacked in a single case/event/victim.
This is a hard one to stomach but I need to say it. A school mass shooting will only count as one strike, no matter how many victims there are because it was all in the same event; they usually comment suicide anyway so there isn’t much to disagree with there but the thought still sucks. Another example is a woman raped three days in a row or 5 times over a couple of months; it will still count as one strike. If she is raped three wildly different times which results in three different cases because the previous one concluded that will be three strikes.
Maybe later on down the road, we could refine it more; however, we need to keep it as simple as possible so The People will accept something over nothing because parasites do not deserve to live.
Please do not quote me on this, drunk driver kills 8x more people than homicides with a firearm. I don’t know the process of every state, but drunk driving inevitably reaches 2nd Degree Murder, eventually. To answer your question, yes, drunk drivers are included; however, it may not be as immediately as we would like. 3rd Degree Murder is the result of accidentally killing something so there might need to be some refinement there with other laws.
I forgot to mention videos, I would absolutely agree a couple of years ago but AI videos are getting pretty good. I would rather hold back on that. As for admitting to murder, could easily be cover up.
We must keep it as KISS Theory as possible: after maintaining three strikes (heinous crimes) for three years, the death penalty will apply.
Oh, yeah. Another heinous crime is crossing into the United States illegally. It’ll create an incentive for the cartel to never bother with our border again.