I am not a political person. I don’t count myself as part of any party, I’m for America and humanity. These political parties seem to me to be for themselves, for their own agendas and pockets, and for manipulating the public into warring tribes and teams instead of into a nation.
Meanwhile, has anyone else noticed this death by a thousand cuts going on? We seem to be being duped into chasing around it’s thousands of tendrils: being invaded by plain clothes militants mixed in with illegal immigrants, being m@rdered with the biow@apon and then the shot forced on people, UAPs and climate change, outrageously blatantly corrupt officials, open wholesale treason, whole sections of the population having views of reality so different from each other it’s like living in different worlds, people looking to one human being to save us all even in other countries somehow? People in general becoming degraded, not knowing how to behave properly, how to spell simple words, flying into almost psychotic rages… I won’t bother to list it. I couldn’t possibly cover even a fraction of it. We’re surrounded with absolute madness on all sides and it’s far worse than we realize because we’re used to it.
Really this whole thing is rather transparent that it has to be planned. This isn’t just about America, this is a global att@ck on humanity, and I don’t care if anyone happens to think that sounds like someone noticed conspirators conspiring. What are the chances that this “culture shift” in all these different countries with such different histories, different attitudes and different foundational cultures, organically happened in the same way at the same time and with the same results? Everywhere? Sure.
If we can somehow focus on the intentionality of the bigger picture maybe we can get somewhere with stopping it. As it is, it’s like a hydra, all these subjects, different kinds of att@cks from all directions, trying to lop the head off one then the other, never killing the hydra itself because we’re not allowed to notice it’s actually one thing. Actually, we’re not allowed to notice it’s even att@cking … or there at all.
This saps our efforts into too many directions instead of getting to the source.
I don’t know for sure what the source is. There’s non-conventional warfare from international enemies, China, Russia, who knows who else. There are ‘the elites’ openly directing world affairs without being elected, meanwhile gloating about subverting the leaders of the world by training them before hand and installing them into places of power. There’s the M@slim Brotherhood and Co and their plans for our demise. There’s the communist manifesto by Albert Pike and the government does seem overflowing with Communists and Marxist salivating to do the maximum harm. There are so many plans hanging out in the open, it makes me doubt them all and wonder if they’re an excuse for something else nefarious.
Myself, I strongly suspect it’s literally Satan worshipers, under many guises.
This certainly is not a suggestion for a bill or a law. Perhaps a policy to have a change of focus? To go after whomever is doing this to our nation and the world, instead of drowning in the details. They’re huge, important details that would each be enough to be a crisis of their own but given that it seems to be arms of a coordinated att@ck they become details in a larger agenda.
I guess I just mean “Excuse me! You there, people in charge? You know this, right? You’re on this? If you aren’t could you please consider it, or we’re toast.”