Dealing with illegal immigrants

I think to take care of the Illegal Immigrants we should do this.

  1. All Illegal immigrants who are in the United States for more than 5 or 10 years (needs to be decided), have no criminal record and have been paying their taxes should be able to apply and receive a work permit and get a spot in line to get a Green Card.
  2. All illegal immigrants that have felony charges, or criminal records should be DEPORTED ASAP.
  3. Anny illegal immigrants with Close Citizen Immediate Family members with NO CRIMINAL RECORD and paid Taxes while here should be allowed to apply for a work permit and possibly get in line for a Green Card.
  4. Illegal immigrants here that have worked for years but NEVER PAID taxes and just lived off tax payer money should be DEPORTED.
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Pres Trump should declare an invasion of the Northern and Southern Borders.

Then he should suspend Habeas Corpus. This will take the Lawyers, Judges and State Governers out of the equation.