Can we get rid of the time change once and for all? It’s ridiculous to keep setting clocks forward and backwards.
I’m in favor of ending the fall back time change in Nov when we lose daylight in the evening.
Please make our state like Arizona with NO time change! There is no daylight in the evenings to throw a ball with my children, ride bikes, garden, or just jog because of the daylight saving change. The change is extremely hard on children as it affects their sleep patterns & alters their schedules. It is linked to depression & a high cause of car accidents. Thank you for your time!!
In AZ and HI they stay on STANDARD time so their extra hour of daylight is in the morning…
I think it’s only right that if those states get to choose, then all the states should get that choice as well.
From what I’ve read and heard, the majority of people prefer DST and their extra hour of light at the end of the day.
Let the states choose. Seems fair.
I propose that we STOP “forking” with the clocks. If some cities/states/schools/businesses want to shift working hours for some reason or other, that’s fine. But leave the clocks alone.
Everyone I talk to wants DST to end - I guess it depends on your people group. I’d LOVE to see it put to a National vote - end it or make it permanent?
Do they want their extra hour of daylight at the end of the day, like most? If so we don’t want DST to end, but to continue when we spring forward.
“Daylight Savings Time”…Saving the hour of daylight for the end of the day.
Most people do not want it to get dark at 4:30. They work all day when the sun is shining and then leave work in the dark. This is very hard on the body.
Either leave it on DST or split the difference. Since some states get to choose, then perhaps we all should get to choose. But some think that would be too confusing. Not confusing for HI, AZ, parts of IN and the eastern part of TN who stay on Standard Time (extra hour of light in the morning.)